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Words & Rhyming Illusive Timing

Poetry in a Pear Tree Blurb - Here is the write up on the back of my next book!

Poetry in a Pear Tree is a pork and puha collection of mostly humorous poetry by R. de Wolf. To the pot, add glimpses of who she is, the people surrounding her, what she thinks, and a grind or two of salt – don’t tell her arteries. The book started as a project for Christmas gifts - hence the title and the twelve little faces in the tree. As the book unfolded, scribbles emerged from cupboards and notebooks, magnetised by the prospect of immortalisation in print!

To the author’s surprise, her Rhythmic Weave footnotes to explain snippets of information about the poems became the driving force behind the book. The weave of inspiration, memories, environment, events, process, exploration of form and people produced a unique kete (woven flax bag) of work. Even reluctant relatives consented to have their growing pains included, but de Wolf also makes fun of herself.

While R. de Wolf wrote Poetry in a Pear Tree for friends and family, readers of all ages, including those who don’t usually like poetry, may find something appealing within. It is not a literary offering, no awards entry here – more a rambling journey, scribbly-love of words and occasional rule-breaking.

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