I am in the home stretch of the first print of The Future Weavers - yay - just waiting for the courier drop off in the next couple of days 😮💨 My next novel The Goodness Algorithm is ready to edit as soon as The Future Weavers is rolling, but I have been writing so many poems lately - I have decided to create a poetry book for Christmas! It is titled Poetry in a Pear Tree. Yep - never a dull moment at our place 😂
I have to thank fellow author Chris McMasters for the idea and Katrina Reedy for providing fantastic prompts for a year - and yes that does rhyme. Not to mention I get to collaborate with inspiring Poets like Benita Kape, Wanda Thompson-Kiel, Gillian Moon, Trish Lambert, Mind Portal Poet - Kelvin Matthew Bailey, Molly Pardoe, Aaron Compton, Kath Porou, Jodie Reid and Rodney Baker to name drop a few!
During this writing process, I have set up my own imprint for Rhythmic Weave Books, for my poetry publishing. I am certainly on a steep learning journey and really enjoying it. It is nourishing to share what I learn with our writing community in Tairawhiti and my intrepid hubby is wading into the marketing analysis and admin with me - my hero! 🦸♂️
image credit <a href="https://www.vecteezy.com/free-vector/pear-tree">Pear Tree Vectors by Vecteezy</a>

Me too! When are you coming back again? As soon as I have my next books in my hot little hands I will organise a launch - love you to come if possible. The poetry book is to try out my training wheels driving Ingram Spark, and if all goes well I might use it to publish my Dystopian novel 😁
Congratulations Reg! It's certainly a journey to set up your own imprint and pursue publishing at the same time as writing. I look forward to catching up and sharing stories!